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Amazon Merchant Fulfilled Network. How Does Amazon FBM Actually Work?

04.10.2023 в 22:53

Amazon Merchant Fulfilled Network. How Does Amazon FBM Actually Work?

Amazon FBM is undoubtedly an incredible platform for listing your items; everything else is up to you. So, to begin with Amazon FBM, you must do the following:

  • Create an Amazon account.
  • Add your products to Amazon.
  • Keep your stock.
  • Orders should be packaged and shipped.
  • Handle all queries of customers either directly or through a 3rd party.

It’s not a big deal, and FBM listings are made the same way as standard . So you can choose the option: ‘I will ship the item myself’ inside the Fulfilment Channel section (Merchant Fulfilment).

As a seller, you have two options for delivering your products after establishing your Amazon seller account and making listings:

  • The person selling the item can use the Amazon Merchant Fulfillment Network (MFN) to deliver your order for them; this is called Amazon FBA .
  • Another way people can do this is to do it independently and use FBM Amazon.

This means that the merchants ensure that the orders get to the consumer’s pickup location from their distribution center, which is also called “slashing.” Also, the MFN (Merchant Fulfilled Network) merchant is in charge of handling rates of return and giving service to the customers.

    What is Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN)?

MFN is when a seller ships and handles his/her own items/products from their amenities or through a third-party logistics provider if an order has been placed on Amazon. 

It’s up to the person who sells something to store and keep track of all of the items they have, fulfill customer orders, deal with refunds for customers, and work with them individually.

Note: You can check out as well to track your traffic. A reliable tool we’d highly recommend.

MFN Amazon. Disadvantages of Amazon MFN

While there are a number of reasons why Amazon sellers would choose MFN over FBA, there are also some key disadvantages that you need to consider.

1) You won’t have the Prime badge on your listings. Amazon has more than 200 million Prime members worldwide . These avid customers are known to make larger, more frequent purchases. The Prime badge also holds a lot of weight when it comes to winning the Buy Box, so non-Prime products often have to be priced lower to compete.

2) MFN is much more hands-on and demanding of your time. Not everyone is cut out to handle the arduous process of storing inventory, printing shipping labels, getting packages to the carrier, and confirming deliveries day in and day out. Amazon requires you to get orders out quickly and closely monitors your seller metrics. But it’s easy to make mistakes, and late or incorrect shipments will hurt your account health. With your hard-earned product ranking and Buy Box ownership hanging in the balance, this pressure can be too much for some.

Looking for assistance in monitoring your Buy Box activity? eComEngine's Buy Box alerts keep you informed whenever you win or lose the Buy Box. We'll also notify you when a Buy Box that you were previously winning has been suppressed by Amazon.

3) Seller-fulfilled returns are complicated. While MFN sellers are required to manage their own returns, Amazon does have some rules in place to protect the customer experience. US sellers are automatically enrolled in the Prepaid Return Label program, and returns for items that fall under Amazon’s return policy will be authorized automatically. You must refund the customer within two days of receiving the return shipment or the amount will be charged to your account.

Amazon MFN fees. How MFN is Different From FBA

By now, you know FBA is where you pay Amazon a little bit of money and they essentially do everything for you after an order’s been placed, everything as in packaging and shipping the product and handling the customer support.

MFN, on the other hand, puts the ball entirely in your court. You’re in control of the inventory (like where to keep it), you’re in control of what materials are used to package and ship the item in (and how much to pay for it), and you’re in control of making your customers sleep happily. You also don’t have to pay Amazon a portion of the product’s price for the ‘seller fee’, but get to keep that cash in your bank account.

However, there are some big differences between the two. Using FBA tends to lead to a higher chance of winning a Buy Box because one of the thought-of factors in getting one is shipping time, as FBA products are Prime-eligible (and Prime buyers tend to spend more as well). On the other hand, the money you save by going the MFN route means you don’t have to deal with delayed payments, fees to Amazon for handling everything, or shipping costs to get products to a fulfilment centre.

There’s also the issue of personalisation. If you use MFN, you can better establish your own brand because you’re in control of the selling process every step of the way. The converse of that is when you use FBA, you don’t have to put in the time of building a brand from the ground up.

Maybe you’re still on the fence at this point, so let’s take a look at the actual work involved in fulfilling products. If you sell a relatively small number of items, managing the packaging and shipping yourself (MFN) can be fairly simple and straightforward. But if you deal in dozens and dozens of items and do a fairly brisk business, then you’ll be spending a lot of time — time that could be otherwise spent elsewhere — on packaging and shipping. And if anything goes wrong, do you prefer to handle it your own way or let someone else take the reins?

Fulfilled by Amazon. Learn more with the Amazon FBA course

Check out theon YouTube for step-by-step instructions on getting started and sending your first shipment of inventory. You’ll also find overviews of FBA concepts, a tutorial for the Send to Amazon Workflow, and more.

Further FBA resources are available through, an online home for learning content to help withand growing your business.

FAQ: FBA for Beginners

Get answers to frequently asked questions about FBA



Fulfillment by Amazon, or FBA, is a program you can use to prep and ship products to Amazon for storage and fulfillment. It allows you to manage inventory within Seller Central , where you can receive notifications for FBA orders Amazon associates fulfill on your behalf. Choose to enroll all of your offerings, or enroll select products in FBA while managing fulfillment for other products yourself. To learn more about how FBA can work as part of your ecommerce strategy, check out this fulfillment guide .


How do I start Amazon FBA?


To get started with FBA, sign up as an Amazon seller and enroll products in the FBA program—either when you first list them, or by converting existing offers to Fulfilled by Amazon. Then you can use the Send to Amazon workflow to start sending inventory to Amazon centers for storage and fulfillment.


How do I use FBA if I sell in multiple countries?


FBA allows you to sell in multiple countries with programs like Multi-Channel Fulfillment , Remote Fulfillment with FBA , and Amazon Global Logistics , depending on your business specifics, like location. For example, you can use Remote Fulfillment to fulfill orders in Canada or Mexico with United States-based inventory, and Multi-Channel Fulfillment to use the same inventory to fulfill orders from your other sales channels.


Can FBA boost sales?


Yes, small- and medium-sized businesses using FBA have seen sales go up. New-to-Amazon sellers who use FBA in combination with other programs—the Perfect Launch playbook—generate 6.3X more first-year revenue on average compared to sellers who don’t.

Amazon MFN vs FBA. Что такое Amazon FBA?

Для того, чтобы расширить его Премиум доставка В этом году Amazon инвестировала более 15 миллиардов долларов не только в инфраструктуру, но и в инструменты и услуги, чтобы удовлетворить потребности своих продавцов и лояльных покупателей.

Эти некоторые из преимуществ использования FBA как ваш вариант исполнения:

Когда вы позволяете Amazon позаботиться о выполнении, вам не нужно беспокоиться о том, чтобы выполнить все их требования. Суть в том, что если вы совершите ошибку, вас сильно ударит.

Если Amazon допустит ошибку, они позаботятся об этом, и самое большее, что вам нужно сделать, это следить за тем, чтобы клиент был доволен, чтобы вы не получили плохой отзыв или отрицательный отзыв.

Перк №2 - Удобство выполнения

Вы не сможете управлять запасами так легко, но FBA забирает практически все, что связано с выполнением заказов, с вашей тарелки.

Вы по-прежнему должны быть бдительными в отношении жалоб и прилагать усилия для поощрения положительных отзывов и отзывов, но FBA означает, что вы можете сосредоточиться на этой и других стратегиях роста, а не на мирских аспектах удовлетворения.

Кроме того, FBA дает вам возможность сделать многоканальное исполнение так что вам не нужно беспокоиться о доставке для вашего собственного интернет-магазина в дополнение ко многим другим каналам продаж, которые у вас могут быть.

Выполнение - не единственный фактор, который Amazon учитывает при награждении Buy Box. Это, естественно, важно, потому что это помогает Amazon заработать больше денег. Как продавец FBA, вы можете иметь более высокую цену, чем другой продавец, использующий FBM и все еще выиграть Buy Box .

Перк №4 - Более низкая стоимость

Амазонка такая огромная, что у них есть отличные сторонние соглашения о доставке, с которыми они не могут справиться сами. Это означает, что ставки ниже, чем вы могли бы найти самостоятельно.

Перк # 5 - Доступ к Prime с FBA

Премьер огромен. Клиенты Amazon лояльны к рынку благодаря быстрой и удобной доставке.

FBA дает вам мгновенный доступ к Prime вопреки всем строгим требованиям для подачи заявки на получение Prime, выполненного продавцом.

Подведем итоги…

Прежде чем мы перейдем к новым тарифам, которые вступят в силу в 2020 году, давайте кратко рассмотрим комиссии, которые изменили способ обработки Amazon в прошлом.

Эти изменения также повлияли на плату за хранение Многоканальное исполнение программу.

Amazon storage fee.

Amazon storage fees are something every third-party seller should be educated about, because if you aren’t careful these fees can end up quickly eating into your margins, or even causing you to lose money on your product. You’ll need to regularly assess your storage fee risk and adjust your strategies to ensure you minimize their impact on your margins. Because if you haven’t already noticed, storage fees keep going up.
Amazon’s business is growing so rapidly that they can’t stay ahead of the demand for space in their fulfillment centers; as fast as they can build them, they fill them up. So, since space is in such high demand it doesn’t come free and if you aren’t careful it can quickly become quite expensive.
There are two types of storage fees to familiarize yourself with. But with both of these fees, the key to success and keeping profit margins high is smart inventory management.

Monthly Inventory Storage Fee

The monthly inventory storage fee is just another matter of fact cost of doing business with Amazon. Fulfillment center storage space is a valuable commodity at Amazon, and because of this the cost continues to go up as the demand goes up. So, when planning inventory, this is an important and costly factor to keep in mind. The more inventory you have in the warehouses, the higher your inventory fees will be.

How It's Calculated

This storage fee is calculated based on the daily average volume (in cubic feet) of storage space your inventory occupies in Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Amazon alone owns the calculation used to determine the fee you will pay, and they even specify this in Seller Central.
“Amazon reserves the right to make its own measurement of the cubic feet or weight of packaged units or representative samples. In the event of any conflict between an Amazon measurement and information provided by the seller, Amazon's measurement will govern.”
There are two categories of product rates; standard-size and oversize. While standard size items take up less space, the configuration of the space is at times more complex than with oversized products since Amazon often uses bins or drawers to more efficiently store the products. While the rate is higher for standard-size items, oversize items are usually still more expensive overall due to the fact that the fee is calculated using the volume measurement of cubic feet.

How much is Shipping in Amazon. Global Shipping Rates

Amazon works closely with its carriers to provide a competitive shipping experience for our customers. Exact shipping charges are determined at the time of checkout based on the number of items, item type, weight and volume of all the items in the cart, but basic guidelines for estimating shipping costs are provided below for your reference. Not all shipping options are available in all areas.

The total shipping cost is calculated by adding a base "Per Shipment" cost and various "Per Item" costs. The "Per Item" cost depends on the item, and may be based on the quantity of items, the weight, or volume (referred to as the dimensional weight) of each package. The table below shows the base “Per Shipment” rate to be used as a minimum for shipping, understanding that rates will increase from there depending on the items being purchased.

Amazon Seller app. Method 2: Amazon Seller, aka Seller Central

Seller Central is (To know more about seller central read this comprehensive Amazon Seller Central Guide ), by far, the easiest way to do business on Amazon. As a seller, you get access to Amazon’s platform which you can use to market and sell your goods in any way you see fit. This means that you get to decide on your products, set your own prices, and employ your own marketing strategies and shipping channels. Alternately, you can also opt for Fulfillment by Amazon program , popularly known as Amazon FBA.

As the term suggests, FBA means that Amazon will fulfill your order on your behalf. This includes picking, packaging, shipping, processing returns and even providing customer service for your products. In simpler terms, Amazon takes care of all the heavy lifting while you get to focus on other important aspects of your Amazon business. All you have to do is send your products to Amazon and watch the magic happen. Needless to mention, Amazon all of these amazing services at a fee, often referred to as Amazon FBA fees .

If you choose to ship your product by yourself, then you will not have to pay the FBA fees. However, you will need to have a reliable logistics partner that offers highly competitive delivery so that your margins don’t suffer. By contrast, Amazon FBA serves as a much better choice , although you will have to be careful with the fees part.

Since you are practically responsible for everything as a seller, you will have to consider several factors to run a successful Amazon business. Some of these factors are:

  • Products/Niche
  • Your cost price and relevant margins
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Keyword research and optimization
  • Competition
  • Logistics

But if you manage to navigate your way through these, you are bound to see positive results. All of these, along with several important business metrics, can be managed with the help of your Amazon Seller Central account. This is just like having an Amazon business account wherein, you can monitor the performance of your business and see sales reports, conversions, profits, et cetera. This kind of insight will help you greatly in boosting your sales .

Источник: https://lajfhak.ru-land.com/stati/how-set-amazon-fbm-offers-fulfillment-merchant-fbm