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Обзор инструментов для автоформатирования кода python. Что такое среда разработки / IDE

22.05.2023 в 17:38

Обзор инструментов для автоформатирования кода python. Что такое среда разработки / IDE

IDE (Integrated Development Environment) или «интегрированная среда разработки» представляет готовый комплекс средств, необходимых для разработки создания ПО. Во время работы в IDE программист Python использует широкий набор инструментов, в число которых входят редакторы, библиотеки, платформы для запуска, отладки и тестирования кода. Благодаря средам разработки, программист может не только сэкономить время, но и сделать код более качественным и читаемым.

Требования для среды разработки на Python

Любая среда разработки включает в себя множество функций, но есть основной набор, упрощающий программирование, который должен быть в каждой IDE для Python.

  • Запуск написанного кода прямо из среды разработки. Если IDE не включает в себя эту функцию — это просто усовершенствованный редактор.
  • Поддержка отладки. Возможность поэтапного выполнения программы с целью поиска ошибок – одна из основных фишек любой среды разработки.
  •   Сохранение и перезагрузка файлов с кодом. Если выбранная программа не позволяет пользователю сохранить код, закрыть файл и вновь запустить его через некоторое время, ее нельзя назвать полноценной средой разработки.
  • Подсветка синтаксиса. Стандартная функция, которая значительно упрощает чтение кода и нахождение отдельных переменных.
  • Автоматическое форматирование кода. Любой редактор кода способен знать, как правильно пишутся основные операторы языка и самостоятельно добавлять отступ на следующей строке.
  • Большое число плагинов. Плагин – независимый программный модуль, добавляемый к основной программе для расширения её возможностей. Чем больше их можно подключить – тем лучше.

Isort broken 1 paths. Migrating Config options

The first thing to keep in mind is how isort loads config options has changed in isort 5. It will no longer merge multiple config files, instead you must have 1 isort config per a project. If you have multiple configs, they will need to be merged into 1 single one. You can see the priority order of configuration files and the manner in which they are loaded on the config files documentation page .

!!! tip - "Config options are loaded relative to the file, not the isort instance." isort looks for a config file based on the path of the file you request to sort. If you have your config placed outside of the project, you can use--settings-pathto manually specify the config location instead. Full information about how config files are loaded is in the linked config files documentation page.


This is the same as the--dont-skipCLI option above. In an earlier version isort had a default skip of__init__.py. To get around that many projects wanted a way to not skip __init__.pyyou can simply remove the setting. If it is something else, just make sure you aren't specifying to skip that file somewhere else in your config.


This is the same as from datetime import datetimeif an alias for the same import also existed such asfrom datetime import datetime as dt- never allowing both to exist. The option was originally added to allow working around this, and was then turned on as the default. Now the option for the old behaviour has been removed. Simply remove the option from your config file.


isort settings no longer merge together, instead they override. The old behavior of merging together caused many hard to track down errors, but the one place it was very convenient was for adding a few additional standard library modules. In isort 5, you can still get this behavior by moving your extra modules from theknown_standard_librarysetting to.

isort has completely rewritten its logic for placing modules in 5.0.0 to ensure the same behavior across environments. You can see the details of this change here . The TL;DR of which is that isort has now changed fromdefault_section=FIRSTPARTYtodefault_section=THIRDPARTY. If you all already setting the default section to third party, your config is probably in good shape. If not, you can either use the old finding approach with--magic-placementin the CLI orold_finders=Truein your config, or preferably, you are able to remove all placement options and isort will determine it correctly. If it doesn't, you should be able to just specify your projects modules withknown_first_partyand be done with it.

Isort python, как пользоваться. Описание проекта

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isort your imports, so you don't have to.

isort is a Python utility / library to sort imports alphabetically, and automatically separated into sections and by type. It provides a command line utility, Python library and plugins for various editors to quickly sort all your imports. It requires Python 3.8+ to run but supports formatting Python 2 code too.

  • Try isort now from your browser!
  • Using black? See the isort and black compatibility guide.
  • isort has official support for pre-commit!

Before isort:

from my_lib import Object import os from my_lib import Object3 from my_lib import Object2 import sys from third_party import lib15 , lib1 , lib2 , lib3 ,

After isort:

from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys from third_party import ( lib1 , lib2 , lib3 , lib4 , lib5 , lib6 , lib7

Installing isort

Installing isort is as simple as:

pip install isort

Install isort with requirements.txt support:

pip install isort

Install isort with Pipfile support:

pip install isort

Install isort with both formats support:

pip install isort

Using isort

From the command line :

To run on specific files:

isort mypythonfile.py mypythonfile2.py

To apply recursively:

isort .

If globstar is enabled,isort .is equivalent to:

isort **/*.py

To view proposed changes without applying them:

isort mypythonfile.py --diff

Finally, to atomically run isort against a project, only applying changes if they don't introduce syntax errors:

isort --atomic .

Isort Config. Configuration options for isort

As a code formatter isort has opinions. However, it also allows you to have your own. If your opinions disagree with those of isort, isort will disagree but commit to your way of formatting. To enable this, isort exposes a plethora of options to specify how you want your imports sorted, organized, and formatted.

Too busy to build your perfect isort configuration? For curated common configurations, see isort's built-in profiles .

Python Version

Tells isort to set the known standard library based on the specified Python version. Default is to assume any Python 3 version could be the target, and use a union of all stdlib modules across versions. If auto is specified, the version of the interpreter used to run isort (currently: 39) will be used.

  • --py
  • --python-version




Example cli usage

isort --py 39

Force To Top

Force specific imports to the top of their appropriate section.

  • -t
  • --top


Files that isort should skip over. If you want to skip multiple files you should specify twice: --skip file1 --skip file2. Values can be file names, directory names or file paths. To skip all files in a nested path use --skip-glob.

Type: List of Strings
Default: ('.bzr', '.direnv', '.eggs', '.git', '.hg', '.mypy_cache', '.nox', '.pants.d', '.svn', '.tox', '.venv', '__pypackages__', '_build', 'buck-out', 'build', 'dist', 'node_modules', 'venv') Config default: Python & Config File Name: skip
CLI Flags:

  • -s
  • --skip




Extend Skip

Extends --skip to add additional files that isort should skip over. If you want to skip multiple files you should specify twice: --skip file1 --skip file2. Values can be file names, directory names or file paths. To skip all files in a nested path use --skip-glob.

  • --extend-skip




Skip Glob

Files that isort should skip over.

Isort python. Configuration options for isort

As a code formatter isort has opinions. However, it also allows you to have your own. If your opinions disagree with those of isort, isort will disagree but commit to your way of formatting. To enable this, isort exposes a plethora of options to specify how you want your imports sorted, organized, and formatted.

Too busy to build your perfect isort configuration? For curated common configurations, see isort's built-in profiles .

Python Version

Tells isort to set the known standard library based on the specified Python version. Default is to assume any Python 3 version could be the target, and use a union of all stdlib modules across versions. If auto is specified, the version of the interpreter used to run isort (currently: 39) will be used.

  • --py
  • --python-version






Example cli usage

isort --py 39

Force To Top

Force specific imports to the top of their appropriate section.

  • -t
  • --top


Files that isort should skip over. If you want to skip multiple files you should specify twice:--skip file1 --skip file2. Values can be file names, directory names or file paths. To skip all files in a nested path, use. To even skip matching files that have been specified on the command line, use.

Type: List of Strings
Default: ('.bzr', '.direnv', '.eggs', '.git', '.hg', '.mypy_cache', '.nox', '.pants.d', '.pytype' '.svn', '.tox', '.venv', '__pypackages__', '_build', 'buck-out', 'build', 'dist', 'node_modules', 'venv') Config default: Python & Config File Name: skip
CLI Flags:

  • -s
  • --skip





skip =

Extend Skip

Extends --skip to add additional files that isort should skip over. If you want to skip multiple files you should specify twice: --skip file1 --skip file2. Values can be file names, directory names or file paths. To skip all files in a nested path, use. To even skip matching files that have been specified on the command line, use.

  • --extend-skip





extend_skip =

Skip Glob

Files that isort should skip over. To even skip matching files that have been specified on the command line, use.

Isort github. Import sorting extension for Visual Studio Code using isort

A Visual Studio Code extension that provides import sorting usingisort. The extension ships withisort=5.11.5.


  • This extension is supported for allof thepythonlanguage (i.e., python >= 3.7).
  • The bundledisortis only used if there is no installed version ofisortfound in the selectedpythonenvironment.
  • Minimum supported version ofisortis5.10.1.


Once installed in Visual Studio Code, the extension will registerisortas import organizer. You can use keyboard short cutshift+alt+Oto trigger organize imports editor action. You can also trigger this from the quick fix available when imports are not organized.

Import sorting on save

black) on save :


If you want to disable isort extension, you canper workspace in Visual Studio Code.

isort.argsCustom arguments passed toisort. E.g"isort.args" = ">
isort.checkfalseRunsisort --checkon open files and reports sorting issues asHint. Updateisort.severityto show sorting issues with higher severity.
isort.severity{ "W": "Warning", "E": "Hint" }Controls mapping of severity fromisortto VS Code severity when displaying in the problems window.
isort.logLevelerrorSets the tracing level for the extension.
isort.pathSetting to provide customisortexecutable. This will slow down formatting, since we will have to runisortexecutable every time or file save or open. Example 1:Example 2:
isort.interpreterPath to a python interpreter to use to run the linter server.
isort.importStrategyuseBundledSetting to choose where to loadisortfrom.useBundledpicks isort bundled with the extension.fromEnvironmentusesisortavailable in the environment.
isort.showNotificationoffSetting to control when a notification is shown.
isort.serverEnabledtrue Experimental setting to control running isortbehind LSP server, this setting allows users to turn off the server and run isort directly.