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Начало работы с Python IDLE. Первая программа. Среда разработки IDLE

28.05.2023 в 05:48

Начало работы с Python IDLE. Первая программа. Среда разработки IDLE

После загрузки и установки python открываем IDLE (среда разработки на языке Python, поставляемая вместе с дистрибутивом).

Здесь и далее буду приводить примеры под ОС Windows, так как именно она у меня сейчас под рукой.

Запускаем IDLE (изначально запускается в интерактивном режиме), после чего уже можно начинать писать первую программу. Традиционно, первой программой у нас будет "hello world".

Чтобы написать "hello world" на python, достаточно всего одной строки:

print ( "Hello world!" )

Вводим этот код в IDLE и нажимаем Enter. Результат виден на картинке:

Поздравляю! Вы написали свою первую программу на python ! ( если что-то не работает ).

С интерактивным режимом мы немного познакомились, можете с ним ещё поиграться, например, написать

Но, всё-таки, интерактивный режим не будет являться основным. В основном, вы будете сохранять программный код в файл и запускать уже файл.

Для того, чтобы создать новое окно, в интерактивном режиме IDLE выберите File → New File (или нажмите Ctrl + N).

В открывшемся окне введите следующий код:

Первая строка печатает вопрос ("Как Вас зовут? "), ожидает, пока вы не напечатаете что-нибудь и не нажмёте Enter и сохраняет введённое значение в переменной name.

Во второй строке мы используем функцию print для вывода текста на экран, в данном случае для вывода "Привет, " и того, что хранится в переменной "name".

Теперь нажмём F5 (или выберем в меню IDLE Run → Run Module) и убедимся, что то, что мы написали, работает. Перед запуском IDLE предложит нам сохранить файл. Сохраним туда, куда вам будет удобно, после чего программа запустится.

Вы должны увидеть что-то наподобие этого (на скриншоте слева - файл с написанной вами программой, справа - результат её работы):

Поздравляю! Вы научились писать простейшие программы, а также познакомились со средой разработки IDLE. Теперь можно немного отдохнуть, а потом начать изучать python дальше. Можете посмотреть синтаксис python , циклы или условия . Желаю удачи!

Как запустить программу в IDLE Python.

Getting Started

Python is a widely used high-level programming language for general-purpose programming, created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management and supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative, functional programming, and procedural styles. It has a large and comprehensive standard library.

Two major versions of Python are currently in active use:

  • Python 3.x is the current version and is under active development.
  • Python 2.x is the legacy version and will receive only security updates until 2020. No new features will be implemented. Note that many projects still use Python 2, although migrating to Python 3 is getting easier.

You can download and install either version of Python. Seefor a comparison between them. In addition, some third-parties offer re-packaged versions of Python that add commonly used libraries and other features to ease setup for common use cases, such as math, data analysis or scientific use. See.

Verify if Python is installed

To confirm that Python was installed correctly, you can verify that by running the following command in your favorite terminal (If you are using Windows OS, you need to add path of python to the environment variable before using it in command prompt):

If you have installed, and it is your default version (see

installed, and it is your default version (seefor more details) you should see something like this:

If you have installed Python 3, butoutputs a Python 2 version, you also have Python 2 installed. This is often the case on MacOS, and many Linux distributions. Useinstead to explicitly use the Python 3 interpreter.

Hello, World in Python using IDLE

(opens new window) is a simple editor for Python, that comes bundled with Python.

How to create Hello, World program in IDLE

  • Open IDLE on your system of choice.
      - In older versions of Windows, it can be found at `All Programs` under the Windows menu. - In Windows 8+, search for `IDLE` or find it in the apps that are present in your system. - On Unix-based (including Mac) systems you can open it from the shell by typing `$ idle python_file.py`.

      In the shell, there is a prompt of three right angle brackets:

    >> >

    Now write the following code in the prompt:


    Hello World Python file

    Create a new filehello.pythat contains the following line:

    You can use the Python 3printfunction in Python 2 with the followingimportstatement:

    from __future__ import print_function

    Python 2 has a number of functionalities that can be optionally imported from Python 3 using the__future__module, as.

    If using Python 2, you may also type the line below. Note that this is not valid in Python 3 and thus not recommended because it reduces cross-version code compatibility.

    print 'Hello, World'

    In your terminal, navigate to the directory containing the filehello.py.

    Typepython hello.py, then hit theEnterkey.

    $ python hello . py Hello , World

    You should seeHello, Worldprinted to the console.

    You can also substitutehello.pywith the path to your file. For example, if you have the file in your home directory and your user is "user" on Linux, you can typepython /home/user/hello.py.

    Launch an interactive Python shell

    pythoncommand in your terminal, you are presented with an interactive Python shell. This is also known as the Python Interpreter (opens new window) or a REPL (for 'Read Evaluate Print Loop').

    If you want to run Python 3 from your terminal, execute the commandpython3.

    Alternatively, start the interactive prompt and load file withpython -i .

    In command line, run:

    There are multiple ways to close the Python shell:


    - Learn or teach basic Python. - Solve online judge problems.
  • IDLE Python. IDLE

    Most Python installations contain a rudimentary IDE called IDLE . The name ostensibly stands for Integrated Development and Learning Environment, but one member of the Monty Python troupe is named Eric Idle , which hardly seems like a coincidence.

    The procedure for running IDLE varies from one operating system to another.

    Starting IDLE in Windows

    Go to the Start menu and select All Programs or All Apps . There should be a program icon labeled IDLE (Python 3.x 32-bit) or something similar. This will vary slightly between Win 7, 8, and 10. The IDLE icon may be in a program group folder named Python 3.x . You can also find the IDLE program icon by using the Windows search facility from the start menu and typing inIDLE.

    Click on the icon to start IDLE.

    Starting IDLE in Linux

    IDLE is available with the Python 3 distribution but may not have been installed by default. To find out whether it is, open a terminal window. This varies depending on the Linux distribution, but you should be able to find it by using the desktop search function and searching forterminal. In the terminal window, typeidle3and press Enter .

    If you get an error sayingcommand not foundor something to that effect, then IDLE is apparently not installed, so you’ll need to install it.

    The method for installing apps also varies from one Linux distribution to the next. For example, with Ubuntu Linux, the command to install IDLE issudo apt-get install idle3. Many Linux distributions have GUI-based application managers that you can use to install apps as well.

    Follow whatever procedure is appropriate for your distribution to install IDLE. Then, typeidle3in a terminal window and press Enter to run it. Your installation procedure may have also set up a program icon somewhere on the desktop to start IDLE as well.


    IDLE Python горячие клавиши. Helpful Shortcuts of IDLE for Python Beginners

    Have you just started learning Python ? Yes? No? If Yes, then you must have been introduced to IDLE while learning about python programming. Below down we have a few Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts, which will make your life a little easy while learning and executing python code on IDLE. If No, then you must be interested in learning python, or in learning more about IDLE.

    Nevertheless, let's begin.

    TAB Completion

    Type any alphabet in the IDLE and hit TAB key, and the TAB completion is here to help you. A drop-down window will appear with all the possible options available.

    Copy the Line

    Put the cursor on any line and hit Enter key. This will copy the line. And you can Paste it anywhere you want. This is an amazing way to copy lines of code to share on some other window, for example, paste in a text editor.

    Running commands from history

    Press ALT + P , to see the last run command. You can press ALT + P multiple times to trace back any command in history. To come back to recent history, either press Delete key which will exit you from history or press ALT + N to see the next history command.

    Exit from IDLE

    Press CTRL + Q to exit. This will close all the open windows and quit IDLE, but it will ask the user to save his/her code if unsaved.

    Close the Active Window

    Press ALT + F4 to close the current window.

    Save the Code

    CTRL + S will save the code of the current window to the associated file.

    Find and Replace

    To look for any word in the IDLE window, press CTRL + F to find. You can also use the Find and Replace option to directly replace the word, if required, use shortcut CTRL + H to do so.

    Find Subsequent Code

    If you have already used CTRL + F to find a word or a string or a variable in your code and want to look for the next occurrence of the same word, string or variable, then just press F3 and keep on pressing it to keep looking for more.

    Run the Program

    F5 for windows. Press F5 and the code in the current window will be compiled, interpreted and executed.

    Need Help?

    Press F1 to trigger Python Editor Context Help. This will display help related to the current action in the IDLE window. It is really helpful for beginners who love to explore.


    Select the code you want to comment and press ALT + C and whooosshh! its commented. To UnComment press ALT + U .

    We hope these few shortcuts will help you while learning to code in Python using IDLE. And if you already know coding in Python and are here just to know more about IDLE, we hope we did not disappoint you.

    IDLE Python online. Online Python IDE

    Build, run, and share Python code online for free with the help of online-integrated python's development environment (IDE). It is one of the most efficient, dependable, and potent online compilers for the Python programming language. It is not necessary for you to bother about establishing a Python environment in your local. Now You can immediately execute the Python code in the web browser of your choice. Using this Python editor is simple and quick to get up and running with. Simply type in the programme, and then press the RUN button! The code can be saved online by choosing the SHARE option, which also gives you the ability to access your code from any location providing you have internet access.

    About Python

    Python, which was initially developed by Guido van Rossum and made available to the public in 1991, is currently one of the most widely used general-purpose programming languages. Python's source code is freely available to the public, and its usage and distribution are unrestricted, including for commercial purposes. It is widely used for web development, and using it, practically anything can be created, including mobile apps, online apps, tools, data analytics, machine learning, and so on. It is intended to be straightforward and uncomplicated, much like the English language. When compared to other programming languages such as C++, Java, and C#, it is a lot simpler to read and write Python programs. Because of its excellent productivity and efficiency, it has become a very popular choice for use as a programming language.

    To learn more about Python check out some of the following links.

    • python.org 
    • programiz.com - Python Tutorial 

      Why Learn Python?

      • Python is a simple language to pick up. It has a simple syntax, and the code is quite easy to read.
      • Python is useful in a wide variety of contexts. It is put to use in the creation of quick application development, data science, Internet of Things, and web applications, among other things.
      • When compared to most other programming languages, it enables you to develop applications using a smaller number of lines of code.
      • It has a very huge community behind it, and there are active forums for users to participate in.
      • The presence of Third Party Modules contributes to the increased power of the Python programming language.
      • The user is able to easily solve difficult problems with the help of extensive support libraries (for example, NumPy, which is used for numerical computations and Pandas, which is used for data analytics).
      • It includes extremely user-friendly data structures, which simplify both the design of the code and the reasoning behind it.
      • The number of people using Python is constantly on the rise. It has quickly become one of the most widely used programming languages.