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Are you ready to take your TikTok game to the next level? With the rise of automation bots, it's easier than ever to become a viral sensation on the popular social media platform. In this article, we'll explore six TikTok automation bots that can help you get ahead of the game and achieve viral success in 2024.

1. TikTok Automation Bot: FollowLiker

FollowLiker is a powerful automation tool that can help you grow your TikTok account quickly and easily. With FollowLiker, you can automate your following, liking, and commenting activities, as well as schedule posts and track your account's performance. FollowLiker also offers a range of customization options, so you can tailor your automation strategy to your specific needs.

Какие 6 ботов для автоматизации TikTok можно использовать в 2024 году. Лучшие программы и сервисы для масслайкинга и массфолловинга в TikTok

Torrenting and P2P sharing : These proxies are commonly used for torrenting and peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing.

Bypass firewalls and censorship : If you are in a region where internet access is restricted or certain websites are blocked, SOCKS5 proxies can help you bypass firewalls and censorship.

Web scraping and data gathering : SOCKS5 proxies are useful for web scraping and data gathering tasks, allowing users to collect information from websites without being blocked or detected.

Testing and debugging : Developers and network administrators often use SOCKS5 proxies for testing and debugging applications. Proxies can simulate different network conditions and provide insights into how applications behave in various scenarios.

Bright Data : 72+ million IPs in Pool – – Best Overall Residential Provider in the Market Smartproxy : 40+ million IPs in Pool – – Best Provider in terms of speed Soax : 5+ million IPs in Pool – – Clean proxy pool

The proxy server services that would be described below route your requests via devices of real Internet users, using their IP, making them undetectable and perfect for accessing websites that are effective at detecting and blocking proxies.

Top Proxy Servers in 2023. Residential Proxy Server for Web Scraping



TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms in recent years, with millions of users sharing videos every day. As the platform continues to grow, it's becoming increasingly important for users to get ahead and stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is by using bots to increase shares, likes, and views on your videos. In this article, we'll take a look at the top 20 bots for TikTok in 2024.



Что такое боты для TikTok. TikTok Money Bot — Автоматический бот для заработка на ТикТок аккаунтах!

The powerful and feature-rich proxy server platform Proxy-Seller meets the various requirements of Telegram users. It has several technological characteristics that guarantee flawless interaction with the Telegram chat system. First off, Proxy-Seller gives consumers a selection of proxy kinds, such as HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS, so they can select the one that is best for their Telegram connection.

It features a sizable proxy pool with a large number of IP addresses from various nations and regions. You can use Telegram from different locations across the world thanks to its wide coverage, which guarantees top performance and flexibility.

Берите на заметку. Мы выращиваем розу из букета. Всё очень просто.
Даже из самoй чахлoй рoзы пoлучится черенoк с кoрешками!
На 1 ч. л. зoлы беру лoжку мёда, 2 ч. л. сoка алoэ.
120 мл oтстoяннoй вoды.
Пoчва для пoсадки.
Как готовить и применять.
Первoе, чтo нужнo сделать, - пoдгoтoвить черенки. Цветoк oбрежь пoд прямым углoм, oставляя лишь верхнюю часть стебля с 3-5 пoчками и нескoлькими листками. Нижний срез кoсым сделай.

Today we will create a simple telegram bot on python that can respond to our messages, interact with us, offering answer options in the form of buttons and process the result we selected by executing commands on the server. Work with Telegram Bot Api we will using the pyTelegramBotAPI ( telebot ) library written in Python .

To register a new bot, you need to write the BotFather bot. To do this, type BotFather in the search bar and in the results find it:

Attention! Check bot name, image and a check mark, indicating that he is really the father of all bots.

Click it and write the command /start and the bot in the response message will send a list of all available commands:

Edit_message_text Python telegram Bot. Специальные кнопки


TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms in recent years, and it's not hard to see why. With its short-form videos and engaging content, TikTok has captured the attention of millions of users around the world. As the platform continues to grow, so too does the number of tools available to help users create and share their content. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the top TikTok tools to watch in 2024.

Video Editing Tools


One of the most important aspects of creating great TikTok content is video editing. Here are some of the top video editing tools to watch in 2024:

Как лучшие инструменты для TikTok в 2024 году помогут увеличить количество просмотров и подписчиков. Бесплатные способы продвижения в Тик Токе


ISP Proxies: What Are They and Why Do You Need Them?


ISP proxies are a type of proxy server that is provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). They are used to route your internet traffic through a different IP address, which can help you to bypass geo-restrictions, access blocked websites, and improve your online privacy and security.


There are several reasons why you might want to use an ISP proxy:

In this post, I’ll show you how to transfer files to Google Drive using Telegram bot . Here’s how to cloud-transfer files using Telegram bot. You don’t have to download the file to your local drive and then re-upload it to your Google Drive.

Once in a while, you’ll need to download a big file from Telegram chat and then sync the file to your Google Drive. With this method, you’ll directly transfer the file to your Google Drive.

Here’s what you can do with:

Upload any Telegram files like Video, Document, Photo, Audio, Voice, GIFs to your Google Drive. Cloud-transfer files from Direct Download Links to your Google Drive (files up to 10 GB).

To find more Telegram bots, you can go to this.

Весь инет прошерстил, есть варианты, но никак не пойму как седлать.
Есть обычный пример бота, есть прокси сервер ИП, ПОРТ, ЛОГ и ПАСС. Как подрубиться через него на node js?
Есть рабочий пример на php. Код ниже:

$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array( $ch, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.telegram.org/bot" . TELEGRAM_TOKEN . "/sendMessage", CURLOPT_POST => TRUE, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 10, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array( "chat_id" => TELEGRAM_CHATID, "text" => ТУТ ТЕКСТ, ), CURLOPT_PROXY => "ИП:ПОРТ", CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD => "tЛОГИН:ПАРОЛЬ", CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE => CURLPROXY_SOCKS5, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH => CURLAUTH_BASIC, ) ); curl_exec($ch);Текст отправляется.

ZorbasMedia - информационный ресурс

Как включить прокси в Телеграм на компьютере. Настройка прокси в Телеграм 

(Следующий абзац был написан в 2015-2016г., библиотеки с того момента много обновлялись, поэтому в некоторых случаях использовать Long Polling будет не хуже, чем вебхуки) .

Мобильная прокси сеть – глобальная сеть девайсов с поддержкой 3G и 4G соединения. Она предлагает широкий выбор операторов сотовой связи, номеров автономных систем ASN и мобильных устройств. Также в состав прокси сети входят пиры, которые находятся в каждом городе.

В отличие от серверных прокси, мобильные используют IP адреса мобильных операторов, а не интернет-провайдеров. Мобильные LTE прокси – идеальное решение для digital-специалиста, который занимается вопросами рекламы и продвижения в интернете. Количество мобильных IP-адресов ограничено, поэтому они вызывают больше доверия.

Before working with Telegram’s API, you need to get your own API ID and hash:

Login to your Telegram account with the phone number of the developer account to use.Click under API Development tools.A Create new application window will appear. Fill in your application details. There is no need to enter any URL , and only the first two fields ( App title and Short name ) can currently be changed later.Click on Create application at the end. Remember that your API hash is secret and Telegram won’t let you revoke it. Don’t post it anywhere!


Editing the Code

This is a little introduction for those new to Python programming in general.

Edit_message_text python telegram bot. Специальные кнопки
Введение Amazon – один из крупнейших рынков в мире, где продаются товары от крупных брендов до малоизвестных производителей. Но с таким большим количеством товаров на сайте, как быть с отзывами о товарах? Как знать, что они являются достоверными и надежными? В последнее время стало известно, что на Amazon существует рынок фальшивых отзывов, которые могут исказить представление о товаре и повлиять на покупательские решения. В этой статье мы рассмотрим, как это может повлиять на потребителей и продавцов. Фальшивые отзывы на Amazon Фальшивые отзывы – это отзывы, которые были написаны с целью обмана потребителей и повлиять на их покупательские решения.

Создаём папку Bot, в которой потом создаём файл bot.py. Здесь будет код нашего бота.Открываем консоль и переходим в директорию с файлом, устанавливаем python-telegram-bot .pip install python-telegram-bot --upgradeПосле установки мы уже можем написать «основу», которая пока что будет просто отвечать однотипными сообщениями. Импортируем необходимые модули и прописываем наш токен API:

Код настроек и импорта

Готовый чат-бот на python. Поиск ближайших соседей

Telegram can be used for chatops using the extensive Bot API provided.Its user base,availability of mobile and web app support makes it good candidate for personal and small business use,if not enterprise.

Interestingly Telegram provides us an official Bot BotFather to request our Bot creation.Open the link in Telegram and request your Bot.

Telegram бот на python3. Building simple Telegram Bot in Python

Request Unsplash API key

With the Bot now available we need Unsplash API key for our Bot to access and request images.The procedure is simple.

Visit Unsplash Developer page Register and request API key for your account.

Сделал базового бота Telegram на Python.

Запуск телеграм бота на сервере python. Запуск бота

Download the latest Python 3 package from the official website .

Run the installation with the default configuration. Take note of where python is being installed , we will need this later. Take a screenshot of it, or write it down somewhere.

After the installation has completed, we will need to add the python package manager to the system path, in order to install the python-telegram-bot package. First, find the 'advanced system settings' through the control panel. We recommend you use the search function.

Then, click on 'environment variables'.

Select the ' Path ' variable, and click edit.