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Which proxies are good for Amazon scrape. Why Use Amazon Proxies?

30.04.2022 в 23:08

Which proxies are good for Amazon scrape. Why Use Amazon Proxies?

For the ordinary Amazon user, using a proxy is overkill – it is not essential to browsing the site.

However, Internet marketers and researchers utilize proxies since they will almost certainly surpass the allowable request limitations.

Several of the scenarios in which Amazon proxies are necessary are detailed below.

Review Analysis:

Businesses thrive on data, and Amazon reviews provide a wealth of textual information on how customers feel about the things they purchased – and utilized.

Many users scrape the review section’s comments in order to do sentiment analysis and ascertain how buyers feel about their items.

Generally, each of these may be accomplished without the use of proxies provided the number of requests per minute is kept low and the fair use policy is followed.

Proxies are required for scaling up and exceeding request restrictions.

Rank Monitoring:

Sellers on Amazon must continually monitor their listing’s rating in order to optimize and correct errors.

This is because a little decline in ranking costs them money since it reduces the Click Through Rate (CTR).

Additionally, sellers must watch their rivals’ rankings in order to understand how their competitors perform on Amazon search.

These merchants use proxies to avoid detection when the number of web queries they send exceeds a certain threshold.

Price Comparison:

This necessitates extensive monitoring of rivals’ prices in order to maintain a competitive edge.

This is accomplished using a script and needs proxies if the script will be making several queries to the Amazon server in less than a minute.

Surf proxy.

Zatlanin ,


Уважаемые разработчики.
Ваше приложение очень сильно использует аккумулятор телефона в фоновом состоянии, мне приходится два раза в день заряжать телефон. Исправьте пожалуйста проблему

Developer Response ,

Привет! Пожалуйста, обратитесь к нашей службе поддержки, чтобы они могли разобраться в вашем вопросе. Мы непрерывно работаем над улучшениями и новыми возможностями, и с радостью поможем вам решить вашу проблему.Напишите нам в онлайн-чате на нашем веб-сайте или по электронной почте: support@surfshark.com

kristina_33Ad ,

Взяли деньги, но отключили Россию

Почему из-за власти должны страдать обычные люди?! Верните деньги, которые я внесла за пол года использования. Классно получается у вас все! Деньги взяли и отключили сервера России. В таком случае делайте возврат денег людям! Воровство какое-то

Developer Response ,

Hello! Thank you for your review. We completely understand your frustration. We've switched off our servers in Russia to stand together with the rest of the world in sanctioning the aggressor state. As stated in our Terms of Service (clause 10), actual service coverage, speeds, locations and quality may vary, however, if you're on the period of the first 30-days after the purchase is made, you are eligible for a refund. In other cases, it is simply against our Terms of Service. If you do have any further questions, please reach out to our Support Team, they will gladly answer them for you!

Nitochka13 ,

Ребята, не ведитесь !

С Вас снимут деньги и работать в России это приложение не будет. Вот из их официального ответа : «..Мы полностью понимаем ваше разочарование. Мы отключили наши серверы в России, чтобы поддержать вместе с остальным миром санкции против государства-агрессора..» И дальше бла-бла-бла!

Developer Response ,

Hello there! We're sorry to hear about the inconveniences you might have experienced. Nevertheless, all our servers are remaining fully functional and secure for all our users.

iddqd26634 ,

Выпилили русские сервера.

Зачем вы это делаете? Ну раз так, почему вы не уходите из РФ совсем? И пусть ваше приложение удаляют из магазина (одним больше или меньше уже без разницы). Мне нужен был vpn с русским сервером!!!

Developer Response ,

Hey! Thanks for your review. We've switched off our servers in Russia to stand together with the rest of the world in sanctioning the aggressor state. Nevertheless, we believe our service is crucial for people there so that they can get access to uncensored information and see the real situation of what's happening without the interference of the state bodies. All our servers are remaining fully functional and secure for all our users.

vito.ur ,


Сделайте поддержку автоматизации , для apple команд.
Для того чтобы можно было включить vpn для конкретного приложения.

Developer Response ,

Hi there! Thank you for bringing this up! We will forward your request to our developer team!

scirda1 ,

Не работает на iOS

Десктоп - отлично. В iOS отказывается логиниться, пишет «много попыток», хотя попыток ещё не было, она первая)) И предлагает пообщаться с поддержкой, но сообщение поддержке не отправляется. По почте также игнор.

Developer Response ,

Hello! Let us sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you had to encounter with our secure VPN service on your iOS device.
Could you please contact our friendly live chat support at surfshark.com or drop us a line at support@surfshark.com so that we could help you resolve the issue as soon as possible? Thank you!

Andrew Loginov ,


Добавьте пожалуйста возможности автоматизации в быстрых командах для iOS, чтобы при запуске определенных приложений автоматически запускался VPN, в автоматизации вашего приложения не нашёл!

SZ-13 ,


Зачем писать о пробном бесплатном периоде если его нет!? А сразу дай денег!
Врёте сразу, значит врёте всегда и везде!
В корзину!

Developer Response ,

Hi there! We do have a 7-day trial on Apple Store, however, you get charged for 1 year of subscription after it ends. But if there are any issues with signing up for it, feel free to contact us at support@surfshark.com or via live chat anytime!

Rotating residential proxies. What is a Rotating Proxy?

A rotating proxy is a proxy server that automatically rotates your requests amongst a massive IP proxy pool every time the you make a new connection to the proxy server. Using this approach, you don’t need to build and maintain your own proxy rotation infrastructure on your end. Instead, you can just send your requests to the proxy server and it will use a different proxy with every request. Ensuring that you aren’t constantly using the same proxies to make requests to the target website.

Using a rotating proxy like this makes it easier to simulate many different users connecting to an online service or website instead of multiple requests from a single user. Enabling you to bypass even relatively advanced anti-bot systems and still get the successful responses you need to scrape your target data. And even if one IP does get blocked, your next connection request will have a different IP and most likely will be successful.

The rotating proxy technique can be implemented with both dedicated/datacenter proxies as well as residential proxies. Although the latter will be even more effective, using rotating proxies with either will dramatically increase your success rate when running web scraping, or other similar, tools.

If you are looking for a rotating proxy solution then be sure to give ScraperAPI a try by signing up to a free trial with 5,000 free requests . Not only is ScraperAPI a rotating proxy solution that automatically rotates your requests amongst a proxy pool with over 40M proxies, it also automatically uses the best header configuration for your target website and handles all bans and CAPTCHAs thrown by a sites anti-bot system.

Amazon Scraping ip ban. What We Will Need?

Obviously, you could build your scrapers from scratch using a basic library like requests and Beautifulsoup, but I choose to build it using Scrapy.

Compared to other web scraping libraries such as BeautifulSoup, Selenium or Cheerio, which are great libraries for parsing HTML data, Scrapy is a full web scraping framework with a large community that has loads of built-in functionality to make web scraping as simple as possible:

  • XPath and CSS selectors for HTML parsing
  • data pipelines
  • automatic retries
  • proxy management
  • concurrent requests
  • etc.

Making it really easy to get started, and very simple to scale up.


The second thing that was a must, if you want to scrape Amazon at any type of scale is a large pool of proxies and the code to automatically rotate IPs and headers, along with dealing with bans and CAPTCHAs. Which can be very time consuming if you build this proxy management infrastructure yourself.

For this project I opted to use Scraper API , a proxy API that manages everything to do with proxies for you. You simply have to send them the URL you want to scrape and their API will route your request through one of their proxy pools and give you back the HTML response.

Scraper API has a free plan that allows you to make up to 1,000 requests per month which makes it ideal for the development phase, but can be easily scaled up to millions of pages per month if needs be.


Lastly, we will need some way to monitor our scraper in production to make sure that everything is running smoothly. For that we're going to use ScrapeOps , a free monitoring tool specifically designed for web scraping.

Proxy for Amazon Scraping. The Benefits of Scraping Amazon

Web scraping Amazon data helps you concentrate on competitor price research, real-time cost monitoring and seasonal shifts in order to provide consumers with better product offers. Web scraping allows you to extract relevant data from the Amazon website and save it in a spreadsheet or JSON format. You can even automate the process to update the data on a regular, weekly or monthly basis.

There is currently no way to simply export product data from Amazon to a spreadsheet. Whether it’s for competitor testing, comparison shopping, creating an API for your app project or any other business need we’ve got you covered. This problem is easily solved with web scraping.

Here are some other specific benefits of using a web scraper for Amazon:

  • Utilize details from product search results to improve your Amazon SEO status or Amazon marketing campaigns
  • Compare and contrast your offering with that of your competitors
  • Use review data for review management and product optimization for retailers or manufacturers
  • Discover the products that are trending and look up the top-selling product lists for a group

Scraping Amazon is an intriguing business today, with a large number of companies offering goods, price, analysis, and other types of monitoring solutions specifically for Amazon. Attempting to scrape Amazon data on a wide scale, however, is a difficult process that often gets blocked by their anti-scraping technology.  It’s no easy task to scrape such a giant site when you’re a beginner, so this step-by-step guide should help you scrape Amazon data, especially when you’re using Python Scrapy and ScraperAPI .

Категории: Русские сервера