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TikTok bot & Growth Service to Get TikTok.. TokUpgrade: How it Works

29.09.2022 в 12:11

TikTok bot & Growth Service to Get TikTok.. TokUpgrade: How it Works

TokUpgrade boasts many valuable features that you’ll be able to enjoy when you work with our service. All of the TokUpgrade features are highly developed and optimized for TikTok growth.

Audience Targeting

It’s vital to get more TikTok followers that are actually a part of your niche and interested in your content. After all, it’s not going to bring you any valuable results or engagement if you have a TikTok that gives financial advice and most of your followers are people interested in dancing and jokes.

TokUpgrade allows you to use hyper-targeted filtering options to define your target audience, which will then allow TokUpgrade to engage with the right users, bringing you real and engaged followers that love to view your content regularly.

Some possible targets include usernames of similar accounts, target usernames, or competitors— their followers will also be drawn in to follow your account as well! There are many targeting tools available to help you get exactly the right audience with TokUpgrade.

Auto-Engage with Your Audience

Once you define your target audience and that information is sent to your account manager, you’ll start to see real TikTok growth. Your account manager will perform interactions for your account that grabs the attention of your target users.

This includes liking posts of people who follow similar profiles to yours, generating more interest in your profile and gaining you maximum exposure from real TikTok users — no bots, no fakes, just real people who are likely to follow you and be interested in what you post.

Account Manager

The great thing about TokUpgrade is that you’re not alone — you’ll have a dedicated account manager to help support your TikTok growth and make sure that your account is targeted exactly right.

Your interaction campaign will then function at a level higher than any other TikTok growth service out there. Having a dedicated TikTok expert on your side is a huge benefit.

Gain Real Followers

TokUpgrade is an organic TikTok growth service that uses interactions that you yourself would perform yourself, only you save time by having them do it for you. They know exactly which users to interact with and you won’t have to worry about whether or not you’re on the right track.

All followers you gain through TokUpgrade are 100% real and authentic, and you won’t have to deal with any fake or bot followers that lower your reputation or lead to imbalance engagement ratios. Both your followers and engagement will increase naturally with TokUpgrade.

Social Buddy TikTok. Social Buddy

Social Buddy is our #1 pick for anyone looking to get more TikTok followers. This tool uses advanced social media marketing to safely and reliably grow your following on TikTok, while also helping improve engagements.

Social Buddy works by targeting followers that are specific to your niche. When you sign up with Social Buddy, your account manager will ask for information about your account, the type of content you share, competitors in your field, influencers , hashtags that relate to your content, and more. With this information, they can target TikTok users who are more likely to follow you.

Unlike other TikTok bots, Social Buddy doesn’t spam your account with fake followers or automatically send you spam or bots. Instead, they help to authentically grow your account, so you’ll also get more likes, comments, and shares to help you go viral. Rather than buying fake followers, Social Buddy can help you actually grow your account to become TikTok famous!


  • Advanced follower targeting
  • Targets high-engagement users
  • Steady, long term growth
  • Follows and unfollows users
  • Dedicated account manager
  • No commitment, month to month sign up


  • Steady, consistent growth
  • Focused targeting for an accurate target audience
  • Improved engagement rates


  • Followers take a few days to start coming in


Social Buddy is the best option for steady, organic TikTok growth that will also naturally improve your engagement rates and help you to grow on TikTok. We recommend trying this TikTok growth service if you’re looking for more followers and better engagement rates.

TikTok growth service free. What is TikTok marketing?

TikTok marketing is the practice of using TikTok to promote a brand, product or service. It can include different tactics, like influencer marketing, TikTok advertising and creating organic viral content.

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Build engaged communities
  • Sell products and services
  • Get feedback from customers and audiences
  • Provide customer service
  • Advertise products and services to target audiences

Here are the three major types of marketing brands use on TikTok.

TikTok influencer marketing is a big part of the app’s ecosystem. Mega-stars like Charli D’Amelio , Addison Rae , and Zach King can make a huge impact on the success of a business (tens of millions of users watch their content every day).

But you don’t need a high-profile influencer for successful marketing—try to discover rising stars, or influencers in your niche. For example, a small cosmetics brand based in Vancouver might search up the hashtag #vancouvermakeup and find influencers like Sarah McNabb .

This option gives you the most freedom. Create a Business TikTok account for your brand (keep scrolling for detailed step-by-step instructions) and start making your own organic content.

The sky is truly the limit here—you can post everything from showing off your products to day-in-the-life videos to dance challenges. Spend some time scrolling through your For You page for inspiration.

If you’re looking for a place to start and have some money to invest, this is it—TikTok’s site is full of success stories from brands that started advertising on TikTok, including Aerie , Little Caesars and Maybelline . Similar to Facebook and Instagram, the cost of TikTok ads is based on a bidding model.

Read our complete guide to advertising on TikTok.

TikTok services. Сервисы для продвижения в ТикТоке

В ТикТоке уже есть базовые механизмы, которые помогают криэйторам с продвижением. Чтобы воспользоваться ими, переведите свой профиль на бизнес-аккаунт:

    Зайдите в настройки ТикТока с телефона.

    Выберите «Управление аккаунтом».

    Переключитесь на профессиональный аккаунт.

После этого у вас появится пункт «Инструменты для бизнеса», где с телефона будет доступна только статистика, а с компьютера – еще и «Творческая платформа». Она нам и нужна.

Здесь вы можете посмотреть трендовые видео, которые снимают коммерческие или личные аккаунты. Топы доступны за сегодня, неделю, две недели или месяц. Причем ролики можно не только смотреть, но и фильтровать по количеству просмотров, лайков и репостов. Все это поможет вам оценить, что происходит на платформе прямо сейчас и какие форматы видео набирают просмотры.

Если информации недостаточно, и вам, например, нужно узнать трендовые хештеги или посмотреть ролики из других стран – вот несколько сервисов, которые работают по принципу «Творческой платформы», но предлагают расширенные функции.

Стоимость: бесплатно.

Сервис, в котором можно не только смотреть ТикТоки без регистрации, но и проверять популярные хештеги, ролики в топе и профили пользователей. Также с помощью VidNice можно скачивать тиктоки. Не забывайте только об авторском праве!

Чем полезен: онлайн-дашборд личного кабинета в ТикТоке, статистика популярных роликов, фильтрация по странам.

Стоимость: базовый функционал – бесплатно, расширенный – от 69 долларов в месяц.

Комплексная панель управления ТикТоком, которая поможет подобрать музыку к клипу и найти популярных авторов. Из интересных возможностей – огромной блок для работы с рекламой: популярные товары, видео, охваты, клики и так далее. TikBuddy – более профессиональный ресурс, который пригодится рекламщикам и SMMщикам для анализа аудитории и конкурентов.

Чем полезен: статистика любого профиля в ТикТоке, список набирающих популярность хештегов.

Стоимость: пробный период – 7 дней, далее – от 250 рублей в месяц.

Простой сервис, в котором можно проанализировать любой профиль в ТикТоке по количеству лайков, подписчиков, комментариев, репостов и просмотров. Кроме этого, можно отследить тренды по хештегам: сервис покажет динамику роста популярности – пригодится, чтобы вовремя влетать в рекомендации.

TikTok boosting service. Сравнительная таблица ТОП-5 сервисов накрутки TikTok

Функционал таких сайтов похож между собой. В автоматическом режиме от имени пользователя совершаются определённые действия для взаимного шага со стороны охваченных аккаунтов. Например, сервисы могут лайкать чужие записи и комментарии (это называется красивым словом «масслайкинг») или подписываться на чужие каналы (а это на сленге звучит как «массфоловинг»). Подразумевается, что такая работа вызовет ответную реакцию.

Отклик со стороны пользователей действительно высок, именно за счёт их возраста: подростки гораздо больше нацелены на взаимопользу, чем аудитория других соцсетей.

Другие сервисы позволяют дополнительную работу непосредственно с вашим каналом: гарантированное число просмотров, репостов и написание комментариев под записями.


TIKRATE - Перейти на сайт

В TIKRATE вы можете бесплатно получить подписчиков в Тик Ток, выполняя простые задания для других пользователей. Заработанные в системе баллы можно потратить на подписчиков, просмотры


  • Бесплатные подписчики в Тик Ток
  • Простые задания для баллов
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  • Живые подписчики на аккаунт
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TikTok bot & Growth Service to Get TikTok.. TokUpgrade: How it Works

Ещё один неплохой помощник в раскрутке вашего канала в сети «ТикТок». Сервис замечателен тем, что им может пользоваться и начинающий блогер, у которого бюджета на продвижение практически нет. Сайт предоставляет возможность раскручивать канал на бесплатной основе: можно заработать внутренние монеты, которые пойдут на оплату заданий другим пользователям.

Эти коины можно конвертировать в рубли и вывести себе на карту или кошелёк.

Если нет времени на добычу таких монет, то пополняете счёт и запускаете кампанию. Через сервис, с помощью других участников системы, можно увеличить количество фолловеров и лайков под вашими записями. Также сервис предлагает накрутку просмотров контента.


  • в сервисе задействованы настоящие пользователи в большом количестве;
  • наличие бесплатного пути по раскрутке;
  • гарантия анонимности;
  • простое создание задачи;
  • штрафы за невыполнение вашей задачи другими участниками;
  • пополнение счёта без комиссии;
  • низкие минимальные пороги по заказу.

    High social TikTok reviews.

    • TikTokers are going viral with etiquette tips on how to eat, socialize, and live in high society.
    • The videos have also been mocked and accused of reinforcing elitist stereotypes about class.
    • Etiquette TikTokers said they want their videos to equip young people for new environments.

    In November 2021, when 38-year-old businesswoman Lucy Challenger posted atutorial with detailed advice for how to get into a Ferrari in the most elegant way, it went viral.

    Challenger, who is the CEO of a luxury British recruitment firm and has 132,000 TikTik followers, continues to share tips and tricks about how to behave in high-end settings, receiving millions of views and likes.

    Her videos sit within a popular subculture known as "etiquette TikTok." The hashtag #etiquette has 1.1 billion TikTok views from people who want to learn how to fit into high society.

    While many viewers said they love etiquette videos because it gives them practical advice about how to present themselves, the TikToks have also been mocked by commenters and creators who think the trend reinforces stereotypes about class and wealth.

    Etiquette TikTok creators say they want to help young people who haven't been exposed to it before

    The most popular etiquette TikToks often break down norms about eating and socializing, such as whichto use for certain meals, how tofor dinner guests, or how to butterin expensive restaurants.

    The creators of these videos receive thousands of comments from people who said they never learned this kind of etiquette at home, or didn't even know such rules existed.

    Challenger told Insider the viewers who seem the most intrigued by her content are young people. She said she recently received positive feedback from a law student who was invited to dinner parties for the first time and was "terrified of getting it wrong and making a fool out of herself." Another young person told Challenger he was traveling to high-end places with his boss for the first time, and her advice helped him to fit in.

    "There seems to be a huge yearning for this information amongst Generation Z," she said. "It's very fascinating to me that there is a huge section of the population that might not have been exposed to certain etiquettes or certain manners."

    Washington-based TikToker Katie Tucci, @kaytuc on TikTok, has more than 7 million likes on her etiquette videos. She told Insider she thinks her TikToks became popular because people related to her story.

    "I did not grow up somewhere where it was normal to know what the difference was between an oyster fork and a dinner fork," she said.

    Tucci moved to Washington from rural Maine and as she went to professional events for the first time and learned more about them, she began posting tips on TikTok about going toand wearingin the proper way using the "etiquette" hashtag.

    She said she has received thankful messages from people who find it challenging to read social cues, saying her videos about things likehelp them understand why people behave in certain ways.

    She thinks everyone can benefit from her advice. "Etiquette is not about manners. It's about being kind to yourself and others. It's the weird secret social language that we've developed to show kindness, respect, and trust," Tucci told Insider.

    Creators of etiquette videos also face mockery and criticism

    After etiquette TikToker @sofia.marbella uploaded a tutorial about how to hold a glass and shake someone's hand at the same time, another user called Janna Damigeana posted her own video, mimicking the format but downing her drink and throwing her glass on the floor while performing a fistbump.

    Her comments section was filled with cry-laughing emojis, and viewers praised her for "putting a funny spin" on videos promoting manners. Damigeana said she often enjoys etiquette TikToks because they teach her about cultural differences, but she thinks they can also platform elitism.