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Top 7 Google Image Search APIs and Proxies. More about "google image search api food"

13.08.2023 в 09:43

Top 7 Google Image Search APIs and Proxies. More about "google image search api food"


From scraperapi.com

  • ScraperAPI. To kick off our list is the ScraperAPI, and we’ll tell you why. Simply put, ScraperAPI is a proxy API designed to handle browsers, proxies, and CAPTCHAs, so you can get the web data you need with a simple API call.
  • SERP API. The next option on our list is SERP API, a great option for those who just want Google Image data and don’t want to have to build their own web scrapers for images.
  • TinEye API. TinEye API allows you to automate image searching in an ever-growing massive index of web images. It’s a perfect solution if you need to find where an image came from, its usage, and its modified versions.
  • Zenserp API. Zenserp API enables you to scrape search engine result pages quickly and efficiently without interruption. Specifically, their Google Image Search API enables you to scrape and access image search results on Google in real-time.
  • Contextual Web Image Search API. For individuals who want the basics to get started quickly, ContextualWeb searches through billions of webpages & with a simple Google search API call can handle your query in real-time.

Google search api example. The PHP Google Custom Search API package

Google Search API enables you to send search queries 100 times a day for free. You can use it on your site but here we are using it for our applications. You can configure your search query to search both Web pages and images and you can fine-tune the ranking.

Using PHP Google Custom Search API package you can perform a search by passing in the search keywords plus an optional array of advanced search options to API call URL and get a response in JSON or ATOM.

Table of search options

Parameter nameValueDescription
qstringThe search expression
c2coffstringEnables or disables Simplified and Traditional Chinese Search.
crstringRestricts search results to documents originating in a particular country.
crefstringThe URL of a linked custom search engine specification to use for this request.
cxstringThe custom search engine ID to use for this request.
dateRestrictstringRestricts results to URLs based on date.
exactTermsstringIdentifies a phrase that all documents in the search results must contain.
excludeTermsstringIdentifies a word or phrase that should not appear in any documents in the search results.
fileTypestringRestricts results to files of a specified extension.
filterstringControls turning on or off the duplicate content filter.
glstringGeolocation of end user.
googlehoststringThe local Google domain (for example, google.com, google.de, or google.fr) to use to perform the search.
highRangestringSpecifies the ending value for a search range.
hlstringSets the user interface language.
hqstringAppends the specified query terms to the query, as if they were combined with a logical AND operator.
imgColorTypestringReturns black and white, grayscale, or color images: mono, gray, and color.
imgDominantColorstringReturns images of a specific dominant color.
imgSizestringReturns images of a specified size.
imgTypestringReturns images of a type.
linkSitestringSpecifies that all search results should contain a link to a particular URL
lowRangestringSpecifies the starting value for a search range.

Google search api. Maximum Results Shown by Google Search and How to Get More

Each and every Google search (whether be search, maps, jobs or others) returns only a small amount of results despite the numbers shown on the page.

So when you make a search for any term, the maximum amount of the results that you will be able to scrape won't be more than 400 in Google Search API.

Which means if you add num=100 (which I highly recommend doing if you are interested in organic_results), you won't see the 4th page most of the time. Google never shows those millions of results for end users and will never probably.

If you are looking to collect results more than what Google shows, you need to be a bit creative. Sometimes, adding just any letter ("a") to your search query will basically differentiate your query while you will not get away from the context that you are searching for.

Let's say that you are searching for the term: "coffee". You have collected all the results but want/need more.

You can simply try searching for "coffee a" and check the results. If they look good enough, you can also scrape all the result from there to differentiate your search but stay in context. And you have more letters in the alphabet.

Even adding "coffee or" , "coffee and", "coffee but", "coffee yet", "coffee so" or any other conjunction word can help. Because every other wall of text has those conjunctions and they don't change the context of your main keyword(s) in a serious way. So you will get a more variety of organic_results in the end.

Google images api. Search by Image API: Take Full Advantage of Reverse Image Search

Google introduced the Google Images search engine back in 2001. For the first ten years since its release, it supported a keyword-based search only, providing images relevant to user queries.

However, that approach was often not sufficient. For instance, a user might want to find a very specific image but couldn’t come up with a term for which Google would return what they wanted.

In short, reverse image search is the process of finding images using an image as the starting point rather than a written search query.

With DataForSEO Search by Image API, you can capitalize on that functionality and build several solutions around it. Read further to learn how the API works and, more importantly, what you can do with the data it offers.

To make an API call, you must indicate the image URL, the country from which you would like to emulate a search session, and its language.

Your POST request should be structured as in the following example:

You can get even more specific and set the exact browser screen resolution to imitate — learn more about additional POST request parameters on our documentation page.

When you send a request, the API emulates set parameters and initiates a search session on the Google Images search engine. Then it scrapes the data on the returned results page and provides it in convenient JSON format.

Google Images will provide us with four types of SERP elements:

  • Possible related search.
  • Pages relevant to the possible related search.
  • Visually similar images.
  • Pages that include matching images.

1 At the top of the page, Google suggests a possible related search query relevant to the uploaded image.

In the API response, it is displayed as “keyword”.


2 Under the possible related search element come organic results relevant to the suggested keyword.

Organic results are displayed as “type”: “organic” in the API response.

Google Custom search api. Things to do before you begin

Create a custom search engine

  1. Go to cse.google.com .
  2. Enter your website URL.
  3. Click on create Google custom search.
  4. If you wish to create a custom search engine on multiple URLs, have a list of URLs ready with you in a Google doc or excel sheet that you can readily copy paste.

Get your Search engine ID

The Google custom search engine id (also known as the CX id) is a key that uniquely identifies your Google custom search engine.

Before using the Custom Search JSON API you will first need to create and configure your Google custom search engine. If you have not already created a Google custom search engine, you can start by visiting the Google custom search engine control panel.

After you have created a Google custom search engine, visit the instruction towards the end of this blog to learn how to locate your Search engine ID.

Get your custom search API key

Custom Search JSON API requires the use of an API key. The API key uniquely identifies your API usage and make sure you don’t reveal your API key on any external forums as it might attract misuse. You can get your API key from here .

Google image search python. Download all images from Google image search query using python

In this blog post, I describe how I download a lot of images from Google images. I followed pyimagesearch's blog post so please give credits to his blog. His method has two steps:

  • Step 1: The first step is to gather URL links of the images that appear in Google Images when you enter a query. pyimagesearch's blog post did this using Java Script. After running his ~10 lines of Java Script code, you will download a text file named urls.txt, that contains the URL link of the images.
  • Step 2: The second step is to download images from each URL using Python.

I followed Step 1 and downloaded the urls.py. However, I wrote my own script for the Step 2. This was because his python scripts requires quite a few python libraries, and they are:

  • from imutils import paths
  • import argparse
  • import cv2
  • import requests, os

I could not pip install imutils in my environment so here I write a scripts that only require requests and os.

First, let's take a look at the urls.txt file. I renamed this file to be "urls - Hunter x Hunter anime.txt". (This is because "Hunter x Hunter anime" was my query for Google Image. Hunter x Hunter is my favorite anime show.) If you are interested in my .txt files, I pushed it in my github .

Next download the images from each of the URL using requests.get(). I included the try catch as some requests fail with error messages. Runinng the following script create a folder data if it does not exist in the current directory and save images in jpg format.

: Failed to establish a new connection:

So you are done with downloading the images. You do not need the codes hearafter if your solo purpose is to downloading the data, but if you want to take a look at some of the images, here is the codes for peaking the first 9 images.