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10 best web scraping tools for Digital Marketers. Main advantages of using data scraping for B2B Marketing

07.09.2023 в 02:42

10 best web scraping tools for Digital Marketers. Main advantages of using data scraping for B2B Marketing

Time and cost efficiency 

With web scraping, you can have your computer complete all those tedious duties for you in a matter of seconds. This gives marketers more time to focus on other more creative tasks. Web scraping is far less expensive than engaging in a manual process of data mining. B2B scraping tools offer the needed services at a reasonable price. 


Through machine learning, many data-scraping services are automated. Automation has many benefits, including efficiency, speed, and accurate results. It’s quicker and more efficient to run an algorithm across a huge dataset than to manually analyze all data on the page.

Tracking performance and competitors 

Another benefit of data scraping is better product analysis. It enables you to keep track of listings and sales information to see how well certain goods are doing. Never before has it been so simple to keep track of your business! 

Web scraping allows you to discover what you could apply and incorporate into your product or campaign to get better results by giving you the most recent modifications made by your rivals. Additionally, you may examine their audience to find future clients, forecast current trends, and make use of them to maintain your competitive edge.

Data accuracy 

Web scraping is a quick technique that is also quite accurate. Data scraping is a technique for obtaining data from numerous websites to use for different purposes. Therefore, it’s important to make sure the data is correct.

Scrapestorm. Usage

ScrapeStorm is available as an AppImage which means "one app = one file", which you can download and run on your Linux system while you don't need a package manager and nothing gets changed in your system. Awesome!

AppImages are single-file applications that run on most Linux distributions. Download an application, make it executable, and run! No need to install. No system libraries or system preferences are altered. Most AppImages run on recent versions of Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, Red Hat, Ubuntu, and other common desktop distributions.

running scrapestorm on linux without installation

unlike other applications, appimages do not need to be installed before they can be used. however, they need to be marked as executable before they can be run. this is a linux security feature.

chmod +x ./*.AppImage

Then double-click the AppImage in the file manager to open it.

Sandboxing ScrapeStorm

Updating ScrapeStorm

If you would like to update to a new version, simply download the new ScrapeStorm AppImage.

If you would like to have the executable bit set automatically, and would like to see ScrapeStorm and other AppImages integrated into the system (menus, icons, file type associations, etc.), then you may want to check the optional appimaged daemon.

Scrapy. Introducing Scrapy

A framework is a reusable, “semi-complete” application that can be specialized to produce custom applications. (Source: Johnson & Foote, 1988 )

In other words, the Scrapy framework provides a set of Python scripts that contain most of the code required to use Python for web scraping. We need only to add the last bit of code required to tell Python what pages to visit, what information to extract from those pages, and what to do with it. Scrapy also comes with a set of scripts to setup a new project and to control the scrapers that we will create.

It also means that Scrapy doesn’t work on its own. It requires a working Python installation (Python 2.7 and higher or 3.4 and higher - it should work in both Python 2 and 3), and a series of libraries to work. If you haven’t installed Python or Scrapy on your machine, you can refer to the setup instructions . If you install Scrapy as suggested there, it should take care to install all required libraries as well.

scrapy version

in a shell. If all is good, you should get the following back (as of February 2017):

Scrapy 2.1.0

If you have a newer version, you should be fine as well.

Here is the completed text with HTML markup:

In other words, the Scrapy framework provides a set of Python scripts that contain most of the code required to use Python for web scraping. We need only to add the last bit of code required to tell Python what pages to visit, what information to extract from those pages, and what to do with it.

Scrapy also comes with a set of scripts to setup a new project and to control the scrapers that we will create.

It also means that Scrapy doesn’t work on its own. It requires a working Python installation (Python 2.7 and higher or 3.4 and higher - it should work in both Python 2 and Python 3), and a series of libraries to work. If you haven’t installed Python or Scrapy on your machine, you can refer to the setup instructions. If you install Scrapy as suggested there, it should take care to install all required libraries as well.

When you run Scrapy in a shell, if all is good, you should get the following back (as of February 2017):


If you have a newer version, you should be fine as well.

To introduce the use of Scrapy, we will reuse the same example we used in the previous section. We will start by scraping a list of URLs from the list of faculty of the Psychological & Brain Sciences and then visit those URLs to scrape detailed information about those faculty members.

Web scraping online. 12 лучших сервисов для скрапинга данных

10 best web scraping tools for Digital Marketers. Main advantages of using data scraping for B2B Marketing

Существует ряд программных решений, которые позволяют извлекать, экспортировать и анализировать различные данные. Их основное направление – веб-скрапинг, а клиенты таких сервисов собирают данные с сайтов и конвертируют их в нужный формат.

Что такое веб-скрапинг, кому он нужен и какие сервисы для извлечения данных считаются лучшими – расскажу в сегодняшней статье.

Что такое скрапинг данных

Веб-скрапинг – это извлечение данных с сайта или приложения в понятном для обычного человека формате. Обычно эти данные сохраняются в таблицу или файл.

Такими данными могут быть:

  • изображения;
  • каталог товаров;
  • текстовый контент;
  • контактные данные: адреса электронной почты, телефоны и так далее.

Все эти данные полезны для поиска потенциальных клиентов, сбора информации конкурирующих компаний, выявления тенденции развития рынка, маркетингового анализа и прочего.

Эта процедура сбора данных не запрещена, однако некоторые недобросовестные компании используют возможности скрапинга незаконно. Так, в октябре 2020 года Facebook подал в суд на две организации, которые распространяли вредоносное расширение для Chrome. Оно позволяло выполнять веб-скрапинг из социальных сетей без авторизации: в собранных данных содержался контент как публичного, так и непубличного характера. В последующем вся полученная информация продавалась маркетинговым компаниям, что является строгим нарушением закона.

Ну а для тех, кто собирается использовать веб-скрапинг для развития бизнеса, ниже я расскажу о лучших сервисах, которые предоставляют данную услугу.

Топ-12 сервисов для скрапинга данных

Большинство сервисов для скрапинга данных – это платное решение для сложных задач, но есть и условно-бесплатные, которые подойдут для простых проектов. В этом разделе мы рассмотрим и те, и другие варианты.


ScraperAPI позволяет получить HTML-содержимое с любой страницы через API. С его помощью можно работать с браузерами и прокси-серверами, обходя проверочный код CAPTCHA .

Его легко интегрировать – нужно только отправить GET-запрос к API с API-ключом и URL. Кроме того, ScraperAPI практически невозможно заблокировать, так как при каждом запросе он меняет IP-адреса, автоматически повторяет неудачные попытки и решает капчу.


  • рендеринг JS;
  • геотеги;
  • пул мобильных прокси для скрапинга цен, результатов поиска, мониторинга соцсетей и прочего.

Стоимость: есть пробная версия, платные тарифы начинаются от $29 в месяц

Официальная страница: ScraperAPI


ScrapingBee использует API для скрапинга веб-страниц, который обрабатывает headless-браузеры и управляет прокси-серверами, обходя все типы блокировки. У сервиса также есть специальный API для парсинга поиска Google.


  • рендеринг JS;
  • ротация прокси;
  • отлично взаимодействует с Google Sheets и Google Chrome.

Стоимость: от $49 в месяц

Официальная страница: ScrapingBee


ScrapingBot – это мощный API для извлечения HTML-содержимого. Компания предлагает API-интерфейсы для сбора данных в области розничной торговли и недвижимости, включая описание продукта, цену, валюту, отзывы, цену покупки или аренды, площадь, местоположение. Вполне доступные тарифные планы, JS-рендеринг, парсинг с веб-сайтов на Angular JS, Ajax, JS, React JS, а также возможность геотаргетинга делают этот продукт незаменимым помощником для сбора данных.


  • рендеринг JS;
  • качественный прокси;
  • до 20 одновременных запросов;
  • геотеги;
  • есть расширение Prestashop, которое синхронизируется с сайтом для мониторинга цен конкурентов.

Стоимость: бесплатно или от €39 в месяц

Официальная страница: ScrapingBot


Scrapestack – это REST API для скрапинга веб-сайтов в режиме реального времени. С его помощью можно молниеносно собирать данные с сайтов, используя миллионы прокси и обходя капчу.

Источник: https://lajfhak.ru-land.com/novosti/top-10-best-web-scraping-tools-data-2023-top-10-best-web-scraping-tools-data-extraction-web

Best web scrapers. Web Scraper Extension V.S. Desktop Scraper

Aside from Chrome extensions, there is another option to extract data from websites. The scraper can be downloaded to your computer and set up there. As an alternative to using the extension within a browser, you can launch the tool and collect data from a range of websites.

Browser extensions and desktop tools have different strengths and weaknesses. Comparing them in terms of software sizes, scraping speed, functionality, and stability makes it simple to identify their pros and cons.

Software sizes

There is no doubt that browser extensions are more lightweight. While desktop software may consume hundreds of megabytes, most scraper extensions available on the web shop are less than 2MB.

Scraping speed

When it comes to web scraping , users seek quickness. While scraper extensions can quickly scan pages and gather information, desktop software offers more amazing performance in this regard. Even some software uses cloud servers to speed up scraping.


We’ve mentioned that web extensions are more likely to be lightweight. Because of this, most scraper extensions only have a few features. By contrast, desktop scraper tools are more functional with more features to meet the different needs of users.


Browser extensions enable browsers to be customized. But the browser could have an impact on its stability. Desktop scraper software, in contrast, has the flexibility to conduct extraction activities separately from browsers, which could improve stability.

Web scraping open source. Scrapy

Scrapy is an open source web scraping framework in Python used to build web scrapers. It gives you all the tools you need to efficiently extract data from websites, process them as you want, and store them in your preferred structure and format. One of its main advantages is that it’s built on top of a Twisted asynchronous networking framework. If you have a large web scraping project and want to make it as efficient as possible with a lot of flexibility then you should definitely use Scrapy. 

Scrapy has a couple of handy built-in export formats such as JSON, XML, and CSV. Its built for extracting specific information from websites and allows you to focus on the data extraction using CSS selectors and choosing XPath expressions. Scraping web pages using Scrapy is much faster than other open source tools so its ideal for extensive large-scale scaping. It can also be used for a wide range of purposes, from data mining to monitoring and automated testing.  What stands out about Scrapy is its ease of use and  . If you are familiar with Python you’ll be up and running in just a couple of minutes.  It runs on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows systems.

Scrapy is under BSD license.

Источник: https://lajfhak.ru-land.com/novosti/10-best-web-scraping-tools-all-times-2022-top-10-best-web-scraping-tools-data-extraction-web