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Scrapfly web Scraping API. API Specification

15.08.2023 в 10:07

Scrapfly web Scraping API. API Specification

Getting Started

Discover how to use the API, available parameters/features, error handling and other information related it's usage.

On steroid's

  • Gzip compression is available when header content-encoding: gzip is set
  • Text content is convert to utf-8 , binary content is convert to base64
  • Quality of life

    • Success rate and monitoring automatically tracked in your dashboard. Discover Monitoring
    • Multi project/scraper management out of the box - simply use the API key from the project. Discover Project
    • Replay scrape from log
    • Experiment with our
    • with notification subscription
    • Our API response include following useful headers:
      • X-Scrapfly-Api-Cost API Cost billed
      • X-Scrapfly-Remaining-Api-Credit Remaining Api Credit, if 0, billed in extra credit
      • X-Scrapfly-Account-Concurrent-Usage You current concurrency usage of your account
      • X-Scrapfly-Project-Concurrent-Usage Concurrency usage of the project
      • Billing

        If you directly want the total of API credit billed, you can check out the headerX-Scrapfly-Api-Cost. If you want to get the details, you have the information in our JSON responsecontext.costwhere you can find the detail and the total. You can check the format of the responseresult.formatthat can beTEXT(html, json, xml, txt, etc) orBINARY(image, archive, pdf etc).

          ScenarioAPI Credits Cost
          Some specific domain have extra fees, if any fee applied, it's displayed in the log in the cost details tab

          Download of data file (.json,.csv,.xml,.txtand other kind) exceeding1Mb, the first mb is included, all exceeding bandwidth above1Mbis billed following the binary format grid.

          Download are billed per slice of100kb. The billed size is available in the cost details of the responsecontext.cost

          Manage Spending (Limit, Budget, Predicatable spend)

          We offer a variety of tools to help you manage your spending and stay within your budget. Here are some of the ways you can do that:

      1. useful to globally define limit You can set extra quota limits, extra usage spending limits, and concurrency limits for each of your projects. This allows you to control how much you spend on each project and how many requests you can make at once.
      2. useful to define API Credits per target domain with granular time window Our Throttler feature allows you to define speed limits for each target, such as request rate and concurrency. You can also set a budget for your API usage over a specific period of time, such as an hour, day, or month.
      3. useful to define API Credits budget per API Call

        You can use theparameter to set a maximum budget for your web scraping requests.

        • It's important to set the correct minimum budget for your target to ensure that you can pass through any blocks and pay for any blocked results
        • Budget only apply for deterministic configuration, cost related to bandwidth usage could not be known before.
        • Regardless of the status code, if the scrape is interrupted because the cost budget has been reached and a scrape attempt has been made, the call is billed based on the scrape attempt settings.

Scraping bot. Unlock the Power of Facebook Data Now!

With ScrapingBot, you can extract data such as profile information, posts, comments, likes, shares, and more. This data can be used for various purposes such as market research, competitive analysis, lead generation, and much more. Our tool also allows you to export the data in various formats such as CSV and JSON, making it easy to analyze and use in your business.

Our scraping bot is designed to work with the latest security measures of Facebook, so you don't have to worry about your API key being blocked. Additionally, you will be able to use the tool without having to have any programming skills, making it a user-friendly solution.

In short, ScrapingBot is the perfect solution for businesses looking to extract valuable data from Facebook. Try it out today and see the benefits for yourself.

Facebook is full of interesting data to follow trends. Although Facebook offers an API , data collection will be very limited because the social network has tightened its security to avoid extracting too much data in a short time. Otherwise you can very easily see your API key blocked.

To overcome this problem, ScrapingBot offers a Facebook scraper to scrape and collect public data from Facebook profile pages , Facebook organization pages and Facebook posts .
Get the data you want in JSON, without any blocking. This facebook scraper tool provides a convenient and efficient way to gather the data you need without worrying about API restrictions.

Example of the data you can collect:

  • :
    URL, profile picture URL, profile name, verified profiles, profiletype, likes, followers, last posts informations.

Web Scraping online. 12 лучших сервисов для скрапинга данных

Существует ряд программных решений, которые позволяют извлекать, экспортировать и анализировать различные данные. Их основное направление – веб-скрапинг, а клиенты таких сервисов собирают данные с сайтов и конвертируют их в нужный формат.

Что такое веб-скрапинг, кому он нужен и какие сервисы для извлечения данных считаются лучшими – расскажу в сегодняшней статье.

Что такое скрапинг данных

Веб-скрапинг – это извлечение данных с сайта или приложения в понятном для обычного человека формате. Обычно эти данные сохраняются в таблицу или файл.

Такими данными могут быть:

  • изображения;
  • каталог товаров;
  • текстовый контент;
  • контактные данные: адреса электронной почты, телефоны и так далее.

Все эти данные полезны для поиска потенциальных клиентов, сбора информации конкурирующих компаний, выявления тенденции развития рынка, маркетингового анализа и прочего.

Эта процедура сбора данных не запрещена, однако некоторые недобросовестные компании используют возможности скрапинга незаконно. Так, в октябре 2020 года Facebook подал в суд на две организации, которые распространяли вредоносное расширение для Chrome. Оно позволяло выполнять веб-скрапинг из социальных сетей без авторизации: в собранных данных содержался контент как публичного, так и непубличного характера. В последующем вся полученная информация продавалась маркетинговым компаниям, что является строгим нарушением закона.

Ну а для тех, кто собирается использовать веб-скрапинг для развития бизнеса, ниже я расскажу о лучших сервисах, которые предоставляют данную услугу.

Топ-12 сервисов для скрапинга данных

Большинство сервисов для скрапинга данных – это платное решение для сложных задач, но есть и условно-бесплатные, которые подойдут для простых проектов. В этом разделе мы рассмотрим и те, и другие варианты.


ScraperAPI позволяет получить HTML-содержимое с любой страницы через API. С его помощью можно работать с браузерами и прокси-серверами, обходя проверочный код CAPTCHA .

Его легко интегрировать – нужно только отправить GET-запрос к API с API-ключом и URL. Кроме того, ScraperAPI практически невозможно заблокировать, так как при каждом запросе он меняет IP-адреса, автоматически повторяет неудачные попытки и решает капчу.


  • рендеринг JS;
  • геотеги;
  • пул мобильных прокси для скрапинга цен, результатов поиска, мониторинга соцсетей и прочего.

Стоимость: есть пробная версия, платные тарифы начинаются от $29 в месяц

Официальная страница: ScraperAPI


ScrapingBee использует API для скрапинга веб-страниц, который обрабатывает headless-браузеры и управляет прокси-серверами, обходя все типы блокировки. У сервиса также есть специальный API для парсинга поиска Google.


  • рендеринг JS;
  • ротация прокси;
  • отлично взаимодействует с Google Sheets и Google Chrome.

Стоимость: от $49 в месяц

Официальная страница: ScrapingBee


ScrapingBot – это мощный API для извлечения HTML-содержимого. Компания предлагает API-интерфейсы для сбора данных в области розничной торговли и недвижимости, включая описание продукта, цену, валюту, отзывы, цену покупки или аренды, площадь, местоположение. Вполне доступные тарифные планы, JS-рендеринг, парсинг с веб-сайтов на Angular JS, Ajax, JS, React JS, а также возможность геотаргетинга делают этот продукт незаменимым помощником для сбора данных.


  • рендеринг JS;
  • качественный прокси;
  • до 20 одновременных запросов;
  • геотеги;
  • есть расширение Prestashop, которое синхронизируется с сайтом для мониторинга цен конкурентов.

Стоимость: бесплатно или от €39 в месяц

Официальная страница: ScrapingBot


Scrapestack – это REST API для скрапинга веб-сайтов в режиме реального времени. С его помощью можно молниеносно собирать данные с сайтов, используя миллионы прокси и обходя капчу.

Guzzle web Scraping. Web Scraping With PHP | Ultimate Tutorial

You can use various scripting languages to do web scraping, and PHP is certainly one to try! It’s a general-purpose language and one of the most popular options for web development. For example, WordPress, the most common content management system for creating websites, is built using PHP.

PHP offers various building blocks required to build a web scraper, although it can quickly become an increasingly complicated task. Conveniently, many open-source libraries can make web scraping with PHP more accessible.

This post will guide you through the step-by-step process of writing various PHP web scraping routines you can employ to extract public data from static and dynamic web pages.

Let’s get started!

Can PHP be used for web scraping?

In short, yes, it certainly can, and the rest of the article will detail precisely how the web page scraping processes should look. However, asking whether it's a good choice as a language for web scraping is an entirely different question, as numerous programming language alternatives exist.

Note that PHP is old. It has existed since the 90s and reached significant version 8. Yet, this is advantageous as it makes PHP a rather easy language to use and has decades of solved problems/errors under its belt. However, simplicity comes at a cost as well. When it comes to complex, dynamic websites, PHP is outperformed by Python and Javascript, although if your requirements are data scraped from simple pages, then PHP is a good choice.

Installing prerequisites

To begin, make sure that you have both PHP and Composer installed.

If you’re using Windows, visit  to download PHP. You can also use the  package manager.

Using Chocolatey, run the following command from the command line or PowerShell:

choco install php

If you’re using macOS, the chances are that you already have PHP bundled with the operating system. Otherwise, you can use a package manager such as  to install PHP. Open the terminal and enter the following:

brew install php

Once PHP is installed, verify that the version is 7.1 or newer. Open the terminal and enter the following to verify the version:

php --version

Next, install Composer. Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. It’ll help to install and manage the required packages.

To install Composer, . Here you’ll find the downloads and instructions.

If you’re using a package manager, the installation is easier. On macOS, run the following command to install Composer:

brew install composer

On Windows, you can use Chocolatey:

choco install composer

To verify the installation, run the following command:

composer --version

The next step is to install the required libraries.

Making an HTTP GET request

The first step of PHP web scraping is to load the page.

In this tutorial, we’ll be using . The website is a dummy book store for practicing web scraping.

When viewing a website in a browser, the browser sends an HTTP GET request to the web server as the first step. To send the HTTP GET request using PHP, the built-in function   file_get_contents  can be used.

This function can take a file path or a URL and return the contents as a string.

Parsehub. Introduction

Welcome to the ParseHub API documentation. ParseHub’s API enables you to programatically manage and run your projects and retrieve extracted data.

The ParseHub API is designed around REST . It aims to have predictable URLs and uses HTTP verbs where possible.


Each request must include your API Key for authentication. If you’re logged in, the examples will have your API key filled in.

You can find your API Key on your account page


POSTrequests must have a form-encoded body and theContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8header.

GETrequests must be url-encoded

All requests must be made over HTTPS. Any HTTP requests are responded to with a HTTP 302 to the equivalent HTTPS address.

If you are using the curl examples, make sure that any data you replace is properly shell-escaped.

ParseHub limits API usage to 5 requests per second, with any requests thereafter being queued up to a maximum of 25 requests per second. Requests thereafter will return a 429 status code.


Unless explicitly mentioned, JSON will be returned in all responses.


ParseHub returns standard HTTP errors when possible.

Backwards Compatibility

The ParseHub API may be changed in a backwards-compatible way at any time. Backwards compatibility means that new methods, objects, statuses, fields in responses, etc. may be added at any time, but existing ones will never be renamed or removed .

If there are backward incompatible changes that need to be made to our API, we will release a new API version. The previous API version will be maintained for a year after releasing the new version.

Client Libraries

Some developers in the community have built unofficial client libraries for using ParseHub in various development environments. ParseHub makes no guarantees as to their quality.






If you’ve written a client library (with a corporate-friendly license) that you’d like added to this list, please contact us .

Free web scraper api. What is the difference between web Scraping tools and web Scraping techniques?

Web scraping is a rather new and dynamically evolving area, so when just starting to explore this subject, very often people find answers on the internet that might be quite confusing. That’s why it is important to use the right terms when talking about web scraping. For example, users sometimes confuse web scraping technologies or techniques with web scraping tools, services and platforms. Sometimes you may even find a web scraping company listed as a tool or service. So let’s clear the air here.

A web scraping tool is a piece of software that does the job of collecting and delivering data for you; it can also be called a web scraper, or web scraping API. Don’t let the abbreviation intimidate you, an API, or application programming interface, is simply a way for the web scraper to communicate with the website it’s collecting data from. That’s why you can often find the word API standing right next to the names of some of the biggest websites: e.g. Google Maps API, Aliexpress API, Instagram API, and so on. In a way, “Amazon API” and “Amazon Scraper” mean the same thing. Here’s an example of a web scraping tool. This Twitter Scraper effectively acts as an unofficial Twitter API.

A web scraping platform is a unifying cloud-based structure where all these scraping tools are maintained and where a user can tune them according to their needs. The platform - if it’s a good one - also serves as a channel of communication between the company and the users, where registered users can leave their feedback and report issues so the company can improve on their scraping services. An example of this could be our Apify platform, including the Twitter scraping tool. There you can search through all the scrapers as well as organize and schedule the way they work according to your needs.  

A web scraping technique is the way a scraper executes its job; an approach or a method for the scraper to get the data from the webpage.

Manage web scraper via api. A brief introduction to APIs ¶

In this section, we will take a look at an alternative way to gather data than the previous pattern based HTML scraping. Sometimes websites offer an API (or Application Programming Interface) as a service which provides a high level interface to directly retrieve data from their repositories or databases at the backend.

From Wikipedia,

" An API is typically defined as a set of specifications, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request messages, along with a definition of the structure of response messages, usually in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. "

They typically tend to be URL endpoints (to be fired as requests) that need to be modified based on our requirements (what we desire in the response body) which then returns some a payload (data) within the response, formatted as either JSON, XML or HTML.

A popular web architecture style calledREST(or representational state transfer) allows users to interact with web services viaGETandPOSTcalls (two most commonly used) which we briefly saw in the previous section.

For example, Twitter's REST API allows developers to access core Twitter data and the Search API provides methods for developers to interact with Twitter Search and trends data.

There are primarily two ways to use APIs :

  • Through the command terminal using URL endpoints, or
  • Through programming language specific wrappers

For example,Tweepyis a famous python wrapper for Twitter API whereastwurlis a command line interface (CLI) tool but both can achieve the same outcomes.

Here we focus on the latter approach and will use a Python library (a wrapper) calledwptoolsbased around the original MediaWiki API.

One advantage of using official APIs is that they are usually compliant of the terms of service (ToS) of a particular service that researchers are looking to gather data from. However, third-party libraries or packages which claim to provide more throughput than the official APIs (rate limits, number of requests/sec) generally operate in a gray area as they tend to violate ToS. Always be sure to read their documentation throughly.